Friday 25 April 2014

Eucalyptus Oil and Its Health Benefits

 7 Health Benefits of Eucalyptus Oil 

Cough and cold: Eucalyptus oil has been used for centuries as an effective remedy for colds and respiratory disorders. It has been used as an addition to steam inhalation to relieve a cold and as an instant remedy for a blocked nose. All this is due to its immensely effective antibacterial qualities that have been known to wipe out even drug resistant bacterium from the respiratory tract . Moreover the vapours of eucalyptus oil acts as a powerful decongestant which when inhaled help in relieving the symptoms of bronchitis and a congested nose.
Antiseptic: Eucalyptus oil contains active ingredients like citronellol, citronellal and 1,8-cineole, that make it a very potent anti-bacterial agent Commonly used to treat skin infections and added to some surgical plasters eucalyptus oil has been used widely to both inhibit infections and reduce inflammation. Read more

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